Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 44

Created: Apr 24, 2017

Updated: Apr 24, 2017

ID: 62201

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

500k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 1Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 2Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 3Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 4Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 5Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 6Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 7Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 8Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 9Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 10Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 11Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 12Wood Finishes Responsive OpenCart Template - Features Image 13
Looking for the best theme for launching your wood finishes store? This wood building materials theme is your match! Pre-loaded with a fully responsive design with a Theme Color Switcher and an elegant website slider, it will help you to keep customers focused on your wood finishes products. Multiple sorting options, an enhanced navigation, Ajax search, and a drop-down cart will provide your clients with enjoyable shopping process, meanwhile, product price countdown, product badges, crossed pricing, and star rating will help you to present all items in a catchy manner. By the way, your house materials online store will be far more user-friendly thanks to a multilingual and multi-currency support. Online selling will be profitable as never before with this building supplies theme!

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This Industrial Technology OpenCart theme is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive webpage design strategy makes a site's screen adjustable to a type of screen resolution.

Why is it Good?

It is great considering that the website can be reached by more users from the large number of devices.

Find newest Responsive OpenCart design templates here

4 Reviews for this product

Clean, basic template. Very nice to work with and tweak. Great to have the included extensions too
Очень мало функциональности,и по любому поводу нужно писать в поддержку
Добрый день! Спасибо за Ваш отзыв. Каких именно функций не хватает? Пожалуйста, поделитесь своими рекомендациями, написав нам на marketing@sxwx168.net и мы передадим их нашей команде разработчиков. Спасибо!
Pretty! This template is pretty incredible! We love this theme, it is definitely one of the best time-saving tools for web development we have been searching for in a very long time. It is very well tailored to the needs of our industry. Our team has been using your web developing products with varying degrees of satisfaction, but this theme beats the heck out of those. We just love it! It’s customer service team is also very knowledgeable!
Пришлось повозиться с шаблоном и знатно его переверстать, что бы добиться нужного результата, но это больше наверное из-за наших нестандартных задач.

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Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
