Drinky OpenCart Template

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shoppingBag Sales: 38

Created: Apr 18, 2016

Updated: Apr 18, 2016

ID: 58292

og体育首页ONE - Unlimited Downloads for $12.40/mo

500k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
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This responsive OpenCart template was specifically developed for alcoholic and food stores. Its layout is incredibly clean, with well-defined contrasting content blocks, bright call-to-action buttons, and tiled category banners. Equipped with a Google Map that is situated in the footer, a newsletter subscription area, and a Facebook like box, this template provides you with a wide choice of tools that will help you run marketing campaigns via different channels. It is SEO-optimized, professionally coded, and compatible with all popular browsers. Drinky would work perfectly for small and medium-sized stores powered by OpenCart.

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This Food OpenCart ecommerce template is Responsive

What is it?

Responsive design is a method of website design that allows web pages to adapt to a display resolution of any kind of gadget - whether it's a pc, a laptop or a smartphone.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design ensures that the website will offer an excellent browsing experience to all users across all devices.

Find latest Responsive OpenCart templates here

This is a Bootstrap Food & Restaurant News OpenCart template

What is it?

Bootstrap is really a extremely popular framework, which makes the work with Html document, Style sheet as well as JS a lot easier. It has been produced as a tool to create a responsive design, but over the years it put in a bunch of additional functionality.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap allows to build responsive, mobile-first projects in a surprisingly simple way.

Find latest Bootstrap OpenCart themes here

This is Food OpenCart ecommerce theme with On-line chat

What is it?

Online chat is a perfect way to establish communication between you and your clients.

Why is it Good?

Online chat by means of tech support is really a sign for the clients - “the firm seriously is concerned about me”. The buyers don't need to wait hours and hours for their ticket to get fixed or go through lots of documentation to get the answer for himself. Helpful technical support specialist could answer him almost immediately and may fix his problem in a no time.

Find more On-line chat OpenCart design themes here


Update (July 15, 2016):

4 Reviews for this product

Good open cart template. Easy to use but template does not get updated causing problem in display
The template is easy to install, and it’s so easy to use. And from the customer’s standpoint it is very intuitive, perfect for our team. It’s customer service team is also very knowledgeable, patient and professional, they address our every concern and help suggest various solutions. We would definitely recommend Template og体育首页! Will definitely continue to use! Thanks to them for the incredible job!
Выбрал самый подходящий шаблон для своего интернет магазина. Правда не для прдуктов питания, а для электротехнического оборудования. На первый взгляд очень удобный, простой, понятный. Сайт создаю не сам. Собственно руководитель програмистов мне и посоветовал Вас. Купил по скидке, очень торопился, последний день акции был. Оказалось купить проще чем пальцами щелкнуть. Спасибо Вам огромное за Ваш продукт.
Drinky ecommerce template is a great choice if you look for such functionality.

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